What's UP - Iarta-ma, Mama! (Official Video)
2018-03-08 711 1 24 2

-- 音为年轻 所以任性   朝九晚五,一年四季,每天都在重复上演昨天的故事。繁忙的现代生活让肉体和心灵变得日益沉重僵化,我们需要一种更轻松、更喜爱的生活方式让自己重新鲜活起来。共享单车原创者ofo小黄车一直秉持"随时随地有车骑,骑时可以更轻松"的传播理念,此次携手亚洲星光娱乐及十点半娱乐年度巨献,只为年轻的你共享一场专属于青春的音乐盛宴--ofo轻睐北京演唱会,7月2日北京工人体育场,正年轻,活出我态度,让"轻睐"唤醒你年轻正飞扬的心。
2018-03-07 1.41k 22 237

?华语唯一EDM甜蜜情歌? ⚡️G5 式的 甜蜜Tropical House - 「情侣鞋」MV 正式上线⚡️ 『情侣鞋』 上班的时候偷看你帮我拍的照片,我们说好了下次要去海边。 记得要穿上我们的情侣鞋哦!
2018-03-07 561 2 9

Lindsey Stirling-The Greatest Showman Medley 4K超清MV
2018-03-07 458 6 22

2018-03-03 517 2 8

Since we’re currently neck deep in the delightful snow of our new Christmas album release, we wanted to fit in one more tune before jumping into full-on Christmas mode. So we challenged ourselves to conceptualize, write, record, mix and master “Flicker” in less than 24 hours. We loved the chorus melody and felt there was tremendously emotional capacity in the longing built into the lyrics, which the cello and piano mimic in a musical give and take.
2018-03-03 556 5 11

Introducing: a VERY special “guest artist,” who really isn’t just a “guest artist.” Rather, she’s the “BEST artist” for us to collaborate with -- Steve’s wife, Julie Nelson!
2018-03-03 610 4 9

The Story: It was 2011. Late in the year. What started as a small town ambition to sell pianos through social media had shown some promise as a standalone YouTube music video channel. We had a few videos under our belts. We had a handful of subscribers. We were building steam. We were loving it! But one looming, sour-faced, obstinate obstacle stood in the way.
2018-03-03 651 7 38

Meaning / Story behind the song: When we first heard Rachel Platten's "Fight Song" we were inspired by its message. In a world where we too often talk about our differences, we have at least one thing in common. We all struggle. Not in the same way, nor at the same level, but we all want a fighting chance. And we all share in one gift: The will to make the most of our lives. To take what we've been given and turn it into something better could be considered the sentient measuring stick of success. But to do so seldom is simple and more often requires we fight. Not against each other. But against the current threatening to drown the ambition in us.
2018-03-03 693 4 18

GAI 大师 官方4K超清无水印MV
2018-03-03 621 3 24

O Holy Night has graced Christmas for 170 years since its inception. It has earned a place among the greatest carols of all time. But such fame can breed vapid familiarity. 170 years of airtime can acclimate the ear so much that we may not feel the Holiness of O Holy Night as perhaps we once did. Unless, perhaps, its transcendent lyrics were cast into a new mold? A mold created by, none other than, J.S. Bach.
2018-03-01 639 6 19

All the sounds you hear were created by 90 tracks of cello, piano, and vocals (with a little wind and suspended cymbal) This is NOT green screen. Everything you see is real snow and ice.
2018-03-01 743 5 23

【Live】Alan Walker联手Noah Cyrus和Juliander最新现场演唱新单《All Falls Down》
2018-03-01 585 12 41

《Shape of You》是英国流行男歌手艾德·希兰演唱的一首流行歌曲,该歌曲作为推广专辑的首支单曲,于2017年1月6日通过大西洋唱片发行[1] ,后被收录在艾德·希兰的第三张录音室专辑《÷》。 《Shape of You》是艾德·希兰在美国公告牌百强单曲榜上的首支冠军单曲,于2017年1月28日拿下该排行榜首位[3] ,并成为公告牌百强单曲榜上的第27支“首周冠军单曲”,共计拿下12周冠军。2017年8月,该歌曲获得美国青少年选择奖“最佳流行歌曲”奖。
2018-02-27 802 5 46

鬼鬼吴映洁继《SUGAR RUSH》带来蜜糖般的衝击后,2017全面升级带你敲出崭新爱情观! 《Knock Knock Knock 恋爱三宣言》 第一敲.恋爱的礼貌 单身是门票不花心不劈腿 拒绝暧昧游戏玩不停 第二敲.恋爱的空间 学会相互包容而不轻易委屈 享受甜蜜依旧做自己 第三敲.恋爱的自由 恋爱世界不分性别年龄种族 只要相爱就是一种美好
2018-02-26 541 6 39
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