O Holy Night has graced Christmas for 170 years since its inception. It has earned a place among the greatest carols of all time. But such fame can breed vapid familiarity. 170 years of airtime can acclimate the ear so much that we may not feel the Holiness of O Holy Night as perhaps we once did. Unless, perhaps, its transcendent lyrics were cast into a new mold? A mold created by, none other than, J.S. Bach.
2018-03-01 645 6 19

Lindsey Stirling-The Greatest Showman Medley 4K超清MV
2018-03-07 463 6 22

专辑:唱给E.T Team的歌 歌手:王荣德 词:王荣德 曲:王荣德&KK Woo&徐广利
2017-06-30 537 6 9

2021-02-25 781 6 101 2

鬼鬼吴映洁继《SUGAR RUSH》带来蜜糖般的衝击后,2017全面升级带你敲出崭新爱情观! 《Knock Knock Knock 恋爱三宣言》 第一敲.恋爱的礼貌 单身是门票不花心不劈腿 拒绝暧昧游戏玩不停 第二敲.恋爱的空间 学会相互包容而不轻易委屈 享受甜蜜依旧做自己 第三敲.恋爱的自由 恋爱世界不分性别年龄种族 只要相爱就是一种美好
2018-02-26 546 6 39

《Secret Garden》是韩国A CUBE Entertainment旗下女子组合A Pink的第三张迷你专辑,2013年7月5日发行,共收录6首歌曲。
2018-02-10 987 6 99 2

TWICE - Alcohol-Free (WEB-4K-609M)
2021-06-09 4.79k 6 78 3

All the sounds you hear were created by 90 tracks of cello, piano, and vocals (with a little wind and suspended cymbal) This is NOT green screen. Everything you see is real snow and ice.
2018-03-01 753 5 23

12月7日,王源首支英文单曲《Sleep》MV惊喜上线。镜头里的王源心事内敛 ,却也尽展无畏。17岁锋芒初露,坦然自若。据悉《Sleep》的MV是王源的首支个人单曲MV,于洛杉矶拍摄,意境悠然,王源在镜头前自然展现,尽显前卫少年感。
2018-02-18 847 5 27

Since we’re currently neck deep in the delightful snow of our new Christmas album release, we wanted to fit in one more tune before jumping into full-on Christmas mode. So we challenged ourselves to conceptualize, write, record, mix and master “Flicker” in less than 24 hours. We loved the chorus melody and felt there was tremendously emotional capacity in the longing built into the lyrics, which the cello and piano mimic in a musical give and take.
2018-03-03 564 5 11

2018-08-06 632 5 39VIP

终于 来到这样的人生风景 梁文音 [副驾驶座的风景] 全新爱情视野第二篇 带你走过 [转折]
2018-05-05 622 5 10VIP

赵传 摇滚经典 出道三十年全新大碟 潇洒主打《名不虚传》 献给每一个有泪也不轻弹的真男人 重量级作词人李绰雄为赵传量身打造 三十年的时间,让新酒成为美酒、让生命有了厚度; 让轻狂的少年成为洒脱的男人,唱出如烈酒般的深刻感伤
2018-02-18 1.46k 5 13

陈以桐和澳洲妹Jasmine Clarke(油管上的两位翻唱达人)翻唱的 体面。
2018-08-06 797 5 46 2

IU - LILAC (Bugs-4K-818M)
2021-03-31 5.14k 5 83 5
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