每天都有人叫我唱这首这麽撕心裂肺的歌,听了都在哭了怎麽唱啊。自己真的很欣赏这首歌,没有太多高音跟澎湃的旋律,却能够像说故事一般,娓娓道来,触动人心。真的要唱好这首歌,我觉得是一个挑战,可是我很努力因为我很爱这首歌。哈哈。 所以希望大家会喜欢我的诠释! 这个星期都愉快喔大家!
2018-03-06 543 11 21

这次找来 Geraldine颜慧萍一起合唱《前任3再见前任》主题曲/插曲《说散就散》+《体面》Mashup。
2018-03-05 524 7 17

全能星战 复活之夜 张韶涵《燃烧》 情感爆发完美演绎 现场版无水印MV
2018-03-05 546 5 32

2018-03-05 570 0 12

人生就像电影,每个人为了梦想而奋力演出,你的梦想有多远? 林志颖《一步之遥》追梦音乐巨作 金曲歌王林俊杰操刀助阵 金曲奖导演张时霖量身打造 MV马拉松拍摄48小时耗资千万顶级规模 动员300位粉丝和10亿价值跑车 媲美《玩命关头》《变形金刚》好莱坞场面 露天电影院 美式霓虹舞厅大场景 港台粉丝横跨25周年的美好回忆再度上演
2018-03-05 634 4 23

2017 is almost over! Before this year passes, I want to share this violin cover with you. I recorded this track sometime ago, and decided to make the video on my trip to Korea this year. It was freezing when we shot this (a week after shooting this snow started falling in Seoul), but I think it's worth it.
2018-03-03 512 4 28

岑宁儿Yoyo Sham在2016年与昊恩合作的巡迴中,第一次翻唱这首巴奈的〈你知道你自己是谁吗〉,不同于巴奈有著丰厚灵魂重量的叩问,岑宁儿Yoyo Sham的版本显得宽容、安慰,她希望透过自己对这首歌曲的诠释,让更多人感受到,虽然我们在追求自由时,也同时背负著自由背后的责任。可是,只要能诚实面对这些责任,所有的榜徨与孤独就有可能被瞭解,才会得到新的力量。
2018-03-03 510 2 9

片尾曲改编自-蓝又时《孤单心事》 主歌:Rachel 刘蕴晴 改编词:六毫子 音乐制作及录音:Aki
2018-03-03 987 2 10

我仿佛哭泣的声音都比较硬朗吧 你喜欢的她就是娇小的弱者吗 我苦苦支撑无从被你伟大怜悯吧 笑著接受 分手吗
2018-03-03 581 3 8VIP

2018-03-03 521 2 8

Since we’re currently neck deep in the delightful snow of our new Christmas album release, we wanted to fit in one more tune before jumping into full-on Christmas mode. So we challenged ourselves to conceptualize, write, record, mix and master “Flicker” in less than 24 hours. We loved the chorus melody and felt there was tremendously emotional capacity in the longing built into the lyrics, which the cello and piano mimic in a musical give and take.
2018-03-03 560 5 11

Introducing: a VERY special “guest artist,” who really isn’t just a “guest artist.” Rather, she’s the “BEST artist” for us to collaborate with -- Steve’s wife, Julie Nelson!
2018-03-03 614 4 9

The Story: It was 2011. Late in the year. What started as a small town ambition to sell pianos through social media had shown some promise as a standalone YouTube music video channel. We had a few videos under our belts. We had a handful of subscribers. We were building steam. We were loving it! But one looming, sour-faced, obstinate obstacle stood in the way.
2018-03-03 654 7 38

Meaning / Story behind the song: When we first heard Rachel Platten's "Fight Song" we were inspired by its message. In a world where we too often talk about our differences, we have at least one thing in common. We all struggle. Not in the same way, nor at the same level, but we all want a fighting chance. And we all share in one gift: The will to make the most of our lives. To take what we've been given and turn it into something better could be considered the sentient measuring stick of success. But to do so seldom is simple and more often requires we fight. Not against each other. But against the current threatening to drown the ambition in us.
2018-03-03 701 4 18

GAI 大师 官方4K超清无水印MV
2018-03-03 626 3 24
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